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Sub Plans 

Thank you so much for subbing for me today! Below you will find the links to the material needed for today's lesson.  

Beginning/End of Class

Start: To start each class, greet students at the door. They should enter quietly and go to their riser or dot spots. Start each class by sharing Good Things ( this is something good that is happening in your life). The teacher should start and then choose 3-4 students to share.


Wildcat Tickets/Cat Cash: The tickets on the music stand can be given out to students who are showing the expected behavior during class.


Dots/Stars: There are 5 stars (Rosewood) and 6 dots (Sandy Hill) on the board. Use this as your classroom managment for the day. If students are showing expected behavior (listening, following directions, being respectful) they get to keep dots on the board. If you have to give more than 1-2 reminders you should start taking dots/stars away. How ever many points they have left at the end of class is the number of stickers they can put on the chart. They are working to earn a reward from me (candy, free day, etc.).

For Sub Plans click HERE

There are lots of fun videos and games to choose from in the PowerPoint so you can pick and choose what you would like to do! I have also written out directions to a few games on the paper instructions.


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